"The Stowaway" is set in the 1970s and is the story of young Willy Clutterbuck who whilst being a little older now, still has the habit of finding himself in more trouble than he can usually handle. Willy is one of those boys who loves adventure and isn't afraid to seek it out. His two previous mis-adventures included finding himself in the grips of an evil witch with horrible tobacco stained teeth and then in the second of his scrapes. he almost went too far, after finding himself on the top of a peanut train speeding down the east coast of Australia.
This latest story starts in Sydney Australia boarding the Castel Felice, an old rust- bucket of a sea liner about to start it's final voyage to Southampton from Sydney before it's final resting place and being turned into scrap metal.
Willy teams-up with a young teenage hippy who had crept on board in the depth of night to hitch a free ride back to England. As usual, he finds himself in deep water. Almost quite literally and in more ways than one.
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