Willow Brown, Plain Fairy
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Book Three of the Willow Brown Stories.

Noah Phelps is living a dream when he moves into a woodland mansion with a rich, beautiful woman, his fairy friend and lover, Willow Brown. The only downside is the guests: Willow has opened her home to twenty-one wayward fairies. Old and young, friendly and aloof, a houseful of fairies ensures daily bedlam. To keep his sanity, Noah befriends the only other human resident, mysterious Claire Greene.

Noah has adjusted to the Big House routine when a call for help comes from a nearby Amish community. A new wind farm, built adjacent to Amish land, has brought turmoil to the plain folk, who are split over the encroachment of this new technology of the “English”. As a member of the Airne, an elite corps of fairies sworn to protect the fairy population and their human allies, Willow agrees she and Noah should assist. When Claire hears their plan, she persuades them to include her, and the three journey to nearby Arthur, where the two women pose as Amish while Noah remains in the open.

Noah finds Claire disturbing. Distractingly pretty, she's not the person he expected. Like Willow, she harbors secrets. When she begins to manifest powers even she can't understand, Noah's attention is divided between the two women and threatens his relationship with Willow.

During days and nights of investigation, things are not as expected. The wind farm staff have misled the Amish, but Noah finds the plain folk have not been honest, either. Accusations, lies, and vandalism abound as the three seek the truth, before they stumble upon the unexpected source of discord. Noah, Willow, and Claire confront two menaces in a final struggle against the megaliths of technology and an ancient evil from the past, risking all to prevent disaster and guard the Mystery.
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2013
    • John Osborne
    • eBook
    • Oct-2013
    • John Osborne
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Oct-2013
    • John Osborne
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1497768950
    • ISBN13: 9781497768956

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