Widows and Orphans
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Lyrical and witty, moving and profound: the story of a good man fighting for his principles in a hostile world 'An uncomfortable but very readable novel about the careless greeds of the way we live now' Helen Dunmore, Guardian 'A Graham Greene for our time' Spectator 'There are splendidly comic scenes worthy of Alan Ayckbourn' Ham and High The Francombe & Salter Mercury has served the residents of two South Coast resorts for over 150 years. Hit by both the economic decline and the advent of new technology, Duncan Neville, the latest member of his family to occupy the editor's chair, is struggling to keep the paper afloat. Duncan's personal life is in similar disarray as he juggles the demands of his elderly mother, disaffected son, harassed ex-wife and devoted secretary. Meanwhile, a childhood friend turned bitter rival unveils plans to rebuild the dilapidated pier, which, while promising to revive the town's fortunes, threaten its traditional ethos. Then Duncan meets Ellen, a recent divorcee, who has moved to Francombe with her two teenage children. By turns lyrical, witty and poignant, Widows and Orphans casts an unflinching eye over the joys and adversities of contemporary life and paints a masterful portrait of a decent man fighting for his principles in a hostile world.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2016
    • Arcadia Books
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1910050644
    • ISBN13: 9781910050644

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