Florence is a beautiful but troubled young gypsy living in the Czech Republic with her abusive mother, Margarita. When severe poverty and expulsion from school forces Margarita to send her daughter into the dark world of prostitution, Florence begins torturing her mother as revenge against her beatings and abuse.
After she abandons her mother outside on a snowy night, Florence travels to England with her boyfriend, Georgi, who begins selling her services to anyone willing to pay. When fate leads Florence to escape racism and seek a safe home, she emigrates to America where she embarks on a quest to find a wealthy man and hopefully live with dignity for the first time in her life. But will she ever be able to find another way to relieve her fears and fulfill her emotional needs than selling her body to strangers?
In this erotic tale, a Czech gypsy who must resort to prostitution to survive journeys to the United States for a new beginning that she hopes will save her from herself.
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