When the Music Stops
  • Published:
    Jun-2015 (Hardcover)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
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The Story Continues in When the Music Stops: Dance On

Martas life: Part Two. Marta struggles to regain her ability to dance. As she finds a job to support herself, her dance and her personal life takes several unexpected and harrowing turns. Will she be able to find a deeper well of strength to meet these new challenges head-on?

Eighteen year-old Marta Selbryth remained in Billings, Montana until she realized she'd need an extended recovery time before she'd be able to return to dancing. As the story begins, it's May, 1958 and Marta's returned to her family home in Bremerton, Washington. Her plan: work on her recovery and make decisions about her future as a dancer as well as her relationship with her boyfriend, Steve Mason.

It's true, it is hard to go home after being on your own, but Marta's mother welcomes her and lets her discover her own way forward. However, Marta feels displaced by her mom's special friend, Robert. Being alone and lonely, she wanders aimlessly through her days and nights. When she takes a job with the local community theatre, her energy returns. Her enthusiasm further reignites when her former ballet teacher, Miss Holland, invites Marta to teach at her dance studio.

Over the fall, winter and into spring, a series of unexpected events at the dance studio and in Marta's romantic relationships throw her life in chaos. She must rethink what and who she wants and needs in her life as well as how much she's willing to forfeit to achieve her goals. Read the first chapter...

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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2015
    • Tendril Press
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 0985893370
    • ISBN13: 9780985893378

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