When the Black Fiend Fed
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The Beast demon of the Yucatan fosters a dread series of murderous horrors!

“Stop here!”

There was a vibrant note of nervous tension in Karl Reisner's command. I brought the car to a skidding stop in the lose sand of the narrow roadway.

Reisner and Allan Grove were sitting in the back seat. I got a glimpse of Reisner's face in the rearview mirrort. His features had always been gaunt and pallid. Now in the faintly reflected moonlight his face was the bleached white of a naked skull.

“There's the Herron place,” Reisner said, his voice so low that it was a husking whisper. “Now what I meant?”

I stared out across the narrow moonlit valley that separated us from the hilltop estate of the late Gordon Herron. Tiny ripples of dread ran along my spine. Alice shivered and her slim fingers were cold in mine as she huddled closer against my shoulder.

Since I had last seen the isolated hill country home of Gordon Herron it had changed insidiously. The four of us sat staring across the valley in taut silence. I believe the same thought was in all our minds -- the memory of Gordon Herron's recent death, the weird horror of the manner in which he had died.

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