The year is 1864. Sister Thomas Josephine is on her way from St Louis, Missouri, to Sacramento, California. During the course of her journey, however, she'll find that her faith requires her to take off her wimple and pick up a gun...
The events following the battle of El Paso del Norte found Sister Thomas Josephine fighting for her life. When she's returned to her St Louis, Missouri, convent an unwilling prisoner, she takes a vow of silence. But when she hears news of Abe Muir's survival, she must make a terrible decision: can she forget her promises to him and live the rest of her life in silence and contemplation? Or will she once again throw aside everything she knows and set out for Indian Territory?
Where once she rode an ungainly horse called Pokeberry, Sister Thomas Josephine will now find herself riding the rolling Mississippi River in search of action, adventure, and a soul worth saving.
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