FICTION: "Heart of Ice" by Tanith Lee; "Creature" by Ramsey Shehadeh; "The Yellow Dressing Gown" by Sarah Monette; "The Talion Moth" by John Kirk; "Detours on the Way to Nothing" by Rachel Swirsky; "Black Petals" (new Elric novella) by Michael Moorock.
SPECIAL FEATURE: The 85 Weirdest Storytellers of the Past 85 Years.
POETRY: "A Compleynte on the Deth of Sir William Thatcher, Sumtyme Ycleped Ulrich of Lichtenstein" by Geoffrey Chaucer.
NONFICTION: Interview: Jeff VanderMeer chats with weird fantasy novelist China MÃeville; Weirdism: Stephen Geigen-Miller on his pulp-fiction heritage; Lost Pages: Ira Marcks presents a snapshot of modern Innsmouth...; Lost in Lovecraft: ...and Kenneth Hite explores why H.P.L.'s characters sought asylum in Arkham; Excerpt: Csilla Csori discusses the science of Dune's gholas and how to raise the dead; The Bazaar: Cherie Priest meets a steampunk Cthulhoid amulet crafter; The Cryptic: Darrell Schweitzer on the enduring power of the Blob; The Library: Book reviews.