Vision of Love
Once a household name and pop sensation, Tabitha Stetson is now navigating the shadows of obscurity, determined to keep a Hollywood secret under wraps. With three weeks of child-free bliss in the bustling Big Apple, Tabitha aims to rediscover her post-Sassy Cat purpose. Her desires are clear, but the path to fulfillment remains a puzzle. Then there's Henderson Quade. Once a dreamer of the spotlight, he's now content directing the magic behind The Edison Theater's curtain. He'll move heaven and earth to ensure the theater's triumph, yet he staunchly maintains his cardinal rule: never date an actress. But a routine business meeting takes an unexpected turn when Henderson finds himself drawn to the captivating Tabitha. Their chemistry crackles, and her serenade steals his heart, making it clear this isn't just another date—it's a genuine connection. Yet, he's convinced it should be a one-time fling. That is until a nosy reporter throws a curveball, forcing The Edison Theater to bank on Tabitha's star power. And in an unexpected twist, Henderson realizes he needs her just as much as the theater does. Will this be a perfect match made in showbiz heaven, or will it spiral into an epic disaster? One thing's certain—the show must go on!Vision of Love is a toe-tapping, heartwarming romantic comedy that follows the ups and downs of love in the limelight. With catchy show tunes and pop hits setting the stage, you'll be singing along and rooting for a swoon-worthy happy ending that's sure to leave you smiling.
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    • Jun-2021
    • Kathryn R. Biel
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1949424219
    • ISBN13: 9781949424218
    • First Edition
    • Jun-2021
    • Kathryn Biel
    • eBook
    • Jun-2021
    • Resilient Books
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Jun-2021
    • Resilient Books
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1949424138
    • ISBN13: 9781949424133

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