Until Brandon
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Anytime I heard someone speak of the boom, I laughed.
Surely only crazy people believe they can fall in love as soon as they lay eyes on someone.
I thought it was all in their heads until the moment she walked into my office asking for a job.
The instant my gaze locked with hers, I knew she was mine, and I would do anything in my power to protect her.

I never thought I would be applying for a job at a strip club, yet there I was.
When the stunning owner offered me a job, I thought taking off my clothes would be the most nerve wracking thing.
When I walked in the next morning, I found out I wouldn't be stripping, I'd be working side by side with him.
It doesn't make sense for a man like him to desire a woman like me -- a woman with baggage and a past.

One phone call changes everything and I'm forced to realize that until Brandon, I might have had it hard, but with him I will have it all.

Until Brandon was previously published as part of the Happily Ever Alpha Kindle World.
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