Will a Friendship Rediscovered...
Denise Dory has proven herself as a top-flight detective with a suburban Maryland police department. Now her unique skills have landed her a prestigious position on the Special Task Force investigating the death of a prominent senator. The high-profile case soon brings her into conflict with the Capital Hill brass--and reunites her with her former partner and cherished friend Tom Phyfer, whose nearness awakens long-suppressed yearnings...and even more powerful desires.
...Become a Love That's Meant to Last?
Ever since he transferred out of Washington, Tom has missed Denise--more than he ever realized he would. Working together on the biggest case of both their careers, he's doing his best to keep a professional distance, but the desire that smolders between them gives way to passion. Then, as Capital Hill is rocked by several more high-profile murders, Tom and Denise are suddenly caught in an escalating web of dangerous intrigue that threatens their lives...and the powerful love they can no longer deny.
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