Two Pistols for Clara
THIS IS THE THIRD BOOK IN A SERIES! Readers would have to read the first two books first in order to enjoy this one.

Lady Clara St.Yves and James Crawford, the Earl of Darlington are about to be married. They have been terribly in love with one another for ages, but are unfortunately unaware of the other party's feelings.
That problem should resolve itself rather quickly, one might suspect, if it was not for the tiny inconvenience of James's secret occupation as a spy for the crown... and while Clara is getting hysterical over the upcoming nuptials, James has a far more pressing problem. His target - who also happens to be his lover - the stunningly beautiful suspected terrorist and smuggler Baronessa Natasha Osipova is on her way to London and eager to find herself in Lord Darlington's bed.
To make matters worse, the Cartwrights have their fingers in the pie and so do Prince Francis and Princess Flora of Lombardy

Plus: Lackerby, Mr. Wimple, a super-handsome ex-pirate gone Marquis and a very nifty red-headed Miss.
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