Trust Dinero Mendoza is a cocky, arrogant, self-centered, rich businessman who inherited a large fortune from his father Felix Mendoza. Killed in a police raid, Felix left several million dollars in a stash trust fund hidden for his only begotten son. Years later, Trust takes his earnings and invests in a high-profile gentlemen's club, luring the most elite professionals. Everything was running smoothly for him until he decided to make a deal that unfortunately goes sour. Things quickly take a turn for the worst. Trust soon finds himself in several heated altercations and even almost gets killed one weekend. In the midst of all the chaos, Trust meets a young girl by the name of Star Santiago who becomes his ride or die chick-outside his wife, Promise. But Trust is not the only one keeping dirty secrets. Promise has been secretly sleeping with his best friend Knowledge... Harmonee, Trust's loyal assistant, also finds herself in her own share of drama. She's almost killed in a messy love triangle between Trust and her lesbian girlfriend Honesti. Filled with lust, deceit, greed, and one jaw-dropping ending, "Trust and Dinero" is sure to take you on an emotional, mind-blowing ride. In the end, you'll be left wondering whom you can and cannot trust.
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