A prequel to the Threshold Series…
In The Blue Door, Prissie Pomeroy is privileged to meet many angels, including two Guardians who have her name under their hands. But she only has the barest inkling of the scope of their world, which spans the entire created universe as well as the heights of heaven.
In Tried and True, we go back into the past, to a time when Taweel was an apprentice himself, Sent to watch over a young girl. When her life ends, his heart shatters. Bitterness, anger, and despair leave him vulnerable. But though Taweel's need is great, the One who provides is far greater. The grieving Guardian's life undergoes a slow and steady transformation after he meets a yahavim named Omri, a pair of heavenly Weavers, a Worshiper whose songs are laced with sorrow, and two little boys with auburn hair.
“You tamed one!”
Taweel corrected the young Weaver. “If he is tame, it is by his choice, not my doing.”
Wee eyebrows arched, and the yahavim leapt into the air, turning a tight somersault that condensed light into a translucent flake. Flying at Taweel, Omri shoved the manna into the big Guardian's mouth, then patted his cheek as if to say, good boy.
“Perhaps this little one is taming me.”