The Flor de la Mar held the greatest amount of treasure ever put on a ship. I sure don't know what they were thinkin when they did it. To top it off they set sail at the worst possible time and wound up shipwrecked in Sumatra. Now that we had aquatic powers, Sam was itchin to look fer it. First we have to fight our way through the Wild Bunch. They're a notorious bunch of train robbers, and all around no goods, famous fer robbin ya blind. They knew our Pirate Island treasures would make them richer than old King Midas if they could get them, and they knew it would have to be over our dead bodies. The powers Merlin gave us were sure savin our hides, and the hides of those with us. The Wild Bunch, and ship loads of pirates found that out. Marie and John find out we can do somethin amazing with them usin one of our powers and that opens the door to possibilities they never imagined. While all this is goin on we're helpin Sebastian do what he's dreamed all his life of doin, helpin the people of Madagascar develop their beautiful island paradise.
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