"Travelling Tales" is a fairy tale book born of a collective production: in it, participated people from many places of the world. In this book, you will find stories invented by girls and boys who migrated from different places, and are now in Greece, most of them waiting to continue their trip to Europe. The stories were invented by children, with the help and supervision of an adult, in many different ways, with laughter, acting and playing always being part of the process. Some children already had complete stories in their heads, with characters and scenarios that they had imagined and shared with us, so this oral storytelling was recorded and later redacted by an adult so they would become a text. In most of the cases the children had great ideas but they were not fully developed stories yet - so our role was to guide them by making questions: “so what happened to that guy from the beginning of the story?”; “and where was this?”; “and why she did that?”. Their answers to these questions were stimulating the creative process and complexifying the stories. Later the stories were illustrated by varios artists, with input from the children when possible and inspired by a research process into the characters and scenarios that could also reflect the children´s cultural background.
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