"Wistful, romantic, charming." -- Analog "Provocative and romantic!" -- Romance Reviews Today "... a sensual and moving story." -- Steve Perry, NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling author of NET FORCE "... strikes at the very core of what it means to be human - and to love. By turns exciting, suspenseful, inventive, lyrical, and above all, entertaining." -- Tim Waggoner, Author of NEKROPOLIS After a horrific car accident seven years ago, Drake Avery has lived only for the future time that his beloved wife, Riana, might be resurrected from her cryogenic sleep. Seven years of waiting for a miracle to return her to life, so that he, too, might live again. But with his own time running out, Drake is faced with a choice: bring Riana back in virtual reality for one day, knowing that it will mean her permanent death... or do nothing, and hope he lives long enough to see her once again.
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