To Kill a House
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Marra's Irish Castle Was A Retreat From Broken Love...Until Terror Intruded.


…was where Marra Kerrington had sealed the bodies of the O'Downy clan many generations ago. There was only one exit from the sealed room. -- Madman's Door, which led to the jagged cliffs below Kerrington Castle.

When “the second Marra” came to Kerrington, the legends of the castle seemed to come alive, for death again visited the castle--someone had been pushed through Madman's Door. And the villagers seemed to look upon Marra as the reincarnation of her evil ancestor. Even Brendan Coleman appeared determined to drive Marra away. His insistence that he had heard the legendary moans of the ghost of the O'Downys, and that Marra was “just like” her ancestor, militated against her initial attraction to this darkly handsome Irishman.

And then, when terror struck, even Marra could no longer be sure that the castle legends were simple fantasy…or that the old Mara had not in some way returned…

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