Absorbing, enlightening, penetrating, vigorous, even devastating-
writing in Michigan is very healthy. What has always been crucial-life,
death, and the relationships of people with each other and with the locales in which they live-these are the topics that Michigan writers deal with from perspectives fresh and relevant, as this anthology of short stories attests.
Over four hundred manuscripts were submitted to editors James Tipton and Robert E. Wegner of Alma College, in response to their request for stories that were to represent the best of Michigan's contemporary fiction. Of these, twenty-three were selected for inclusion in this volume.
The Third Coast: Contemporary Michigan Fiction represents Michigan writers state-wide from both the upper and lower peninsulas, and men and women living in urban and rural communities. The stories reveal a diversity of style and technique, ranging from fantasy to reverie, from graphic realism to humorous expose. Such a harvest of Michigan fiction is sure to please even the most discriminating of literary tastes.