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Three people - two prostitutes and a thief - may not be the best of company for Kim (martial arts and temper Master) or her brother, Paul (nerdy and sarcasm Master), to be hanging around with, but hey!, it's fun. There's red headed Bella, beautiful and fiery, who believes she's lower than a snake's belly; Francine - drug addicted and hiding a secret she's never told anyone; and Martina - young, rebellious, too clever for her own good and a consummate actress. Will the lure of huge amounts of drug money be too much for everyone? Or will love conquer all? Meanwhile, there's a supremely puzzling mystery to solve and a death to avenge. At the end of the clues there may be riches beyond imagination or perhaps nothing at all. Regardless, the path to the final answer is strewn with life-threatening dangers, but it also results in a swag of personal truths being revealed.
People / Creatures
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    • First Edition
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN13: 9798589047851

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