The planet Nentesh is located in an isolated, wormhole-accessed pocket of space known as the Deeps. Once each generation, the wormhole opens and the rest of the civilized universe come to visit. As it opens, the outsystem descends to the Nenteshi's tech-poor world in a celebration known as Ingress.
The Ingress Festival is a time of change, bringing new technology, visits from family and friends who left during the last opening of the wormhole, and the departure of others. As Nentesh awaits the latest opening of the wormhole, four Nenteshi must confront and come to grips with revelations and events that challenge everything they know about themselves and their relationships - and threaten their very lives. Amid the color and spectacle of Festival, as secrets and betrayals are disclosed, all of their lives will be transformed.
Born near Philadelphia in the summer of 1963, Jessica Reisman now lives in Austin, Texas.