You're headed for your worst vacation ever: while the rest of your family is vacationing in Hawaii, you have to work on your uncle Norbert's pig farm raising money to replace the roof you accidentally destroyed with your gunpowder rocket. Suddenly the bus you are on sputters to a halt, and it's still six miles away from the farm! You're hot, hungry, tired, and thirsty, and big, dark clouds are building up on the horizon. It'll take hours before a tow truck arrives and gets you going again.
If you decide to get off the bus and walk, turn to page 56. If you decide to try to get some sleep until the tow truck comes, turn to page 9. But be careful! This bad day could get a lot worse -- you might get caught in the middle of a terrible storm, sucked up into a tornado! Or you may finally make it to your uncle's pig farm -- where your adventures really begin!
What happens next in the story? It all depends on the choices you make. How does the story end? Only you can find out! And the best part is that you can keep reading and rereading until you've had not one but many incredibly daring experiences!
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