Hotel Apocalypse is an action-packed dystopian adventure set in a post-apocalyptic world. One corporation controls the last shelter on Earth, and those inside are subject to its laws and lies. With each episode, you'll uncover more of the tower's mysteries and get to know the group of heroes fighting for a brighter tomorrow.
The series will be told in 16 parts, with a new episode released every Thursday, starting in April 2014.
In Episode 1, "The Window of Lies,” Leo and Oliver search for a friend who's gone missing from the NextGen Colony. (13,000 words)
The Hotel Apocalypse series is suitable for ages 13 and up. Enjoy it on your e-reader, tablet, or smartphone.
Episode 2 " Thursday, April 10
Episode 3 " Thursday, April 17
Episode 4 " Thursday, April 24
At the end of the world, hope is hard to find. Welcome to Hotel Apocalypse.
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