... -- 欢迎"知名..."小说家,作"以爱...小说'推理小说为主,为 -- 多 -- 爱...,轻松、剧...振奋,并""局圆满"读...,带来满满"乐趣'正能量,
多年前艾娃•麦,纳 -- -- 伤心往事离开幼 -- "活" -- 区,并没有" -- 再回去,直到十年后记忆中",个,亮"孩已经长成霸"迷人""子,重 -- 出现在她""活中,并",双勾人心""棕色眼睛恳,她帮助" -- 候,她知"自己根本 -- 法'绝这场'约婚礼,"看两人将在这场啼'姻缘中何去何从,
When Ava McKenna left the neighborhood she grew up in, she never planned to look back. And for ten years she didn't. Not until Mateo Ortega, the handsome and charming boy next door, showed up to ask for her help. Mateo needed a favor, actually he needed a pretend fiancée, and he thought Ava would be the perfect woman for the charade. Ava knew that she owed the Ortega family a favor but when she looked into Mateo's gorgeous brown eyes she realized that repaying an old debt might jeopardize her heart.
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