The Way to Love concludes the ancient tale of the War of the Curse in the mystical land of Terra. The Emperor's Army has twice succeeded in winning back two of the three King Virtues. The young maiden Laurel and her friends continue now in search for the last King Virtue: the jewel of Love. But the way to Love proves to be a more mysterious road than anyone could ever have imagined. All the while, Lues pursues the hearts of the Emperor's people with greater fury, and no one is safe from his growing control over the Curse. Victories over evil are far and few between. Laurel is torn; her heart rent. Will her innocence be destroyed? She will be taunted within the darkest reaches of her soul. Can she face the truth about what it means to Love? Can she finally realize who she truly is and where are her parents? Will hatred, lust, and death force her away from discovering the truth? But then again...what is truth?
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