An ancient symbol. A missing brother. A man who promises everything but isn't what he seems.
The past keeps ambushing Phoebe McCabe as she begins her new life as a London gallery owner. Every crook believes she knows where her missing brother hid the hoard; Interpol thinks the thieves have stashed the priceless artifacts under her nose; and she's being stalked by multiple interests, none of them friendly.
Against the panorama of Central Turkey's underground cities and ancient caves, Phoebe chases clues deep into the prehistoric past. Who is friend and who is foe? Is the man she cares for a crook or a new breed of hero? And how does an antique textile connect to how men worshiped women thousands of years ago?
What Phoebe discovers along the way is more than just about ancient shrines, missing relatives, and love betrayed. She finds that what's at the heart of the human weave may be the pattern that illuminates everything that matters.
This fast-moving suspense blends intrigue, humor, and romance against a textile-rich world interwoven with archaeology, ideology, and one woman's quest for the ultimate truth.
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