The Unfading Lands
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A selfish betrayal. Goodness long forgotten. A land with terrifying power. Something sinister is at work in the Land of Unfading Beauty, a land that promises eternal youth and splendor. Something evil. Under the façade of charismatic leader, Lancer, an enemy stalks--taking life and power in the most devious of ways.Prince Edward, the heir to the Northern Kingdom, abandons his family in pursuit of a beautiful woman by venturing into the Land of Unfading Beauty, never to return home. Has Prince Edward been swept away by love, or was it part of a strategic plan?Lancer has high ambitions of destroying the Northern Kingdom and will stop at nothing to acquire its power and strength. A desperate attempt to save the Realm forces Edward's father, King Granton, to call upon the rulers from neighboring kingdoms for help. As the kings and their children unite, relationships are strengthened and loyalties tested, and Edward's younger sister, Elizabeth, rises as a force to be reckoned with. Headstrong, yet pure of heart, this young princess breaks the barriers of her role in order to fight for the safety of her Kingdom. Fierce battles emerge between good and evil and unexpected heroes arise. But it will take courage, unity, and strength to overcome the temptation of darkness.A darkness, invisible to the eye, threatens the safety of them all.Can it be overcome?Can Edward be trusted?Who is the real enemy?What Elizabeth discovers within herself, her kingdom, and her brother, will change the course for the entire Realm and leave one question:Where does your allegiance lie?
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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2015
    • Katharine E. Hamilton
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0692335765
    • ISBN13: 9780692335765

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