The Tycho Incident
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The Tycho Incident is a near-future thriller about a near-assassination on the Tycho moonbase. Two investigators are ordered by the U.S. president to solve the crime before adversaries find out and spark an international incident. The sleuths are an unlikely pair with their own murky histories: Army CID agent Lex Tilton is ready to retire but owes the president a final favor; Marine Destiny Montana is a champion sniper, but holds her own secrets. When China picks up bits of a rumor about the attempted assassination, accusations fly and the U.S. military is put on full alert while China and Russia respond in kind. The Tycho Incident, as it is known within the White House, eludes a break through until a Top Secret artificial intelligence tool called MAINTOP brings the mystery to a frightening conclusion just before President Espinosa is held to account before the United Nations. As Lex and Destiny work together, they face their own PTSD nightmares. Their spiritual struggles finally catch up with them during a sudden meteorite storm. Each must put the past behind them and decide to live their lives as God intends for them.
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