The third segment in the exciting new serialized Dragonrealm novel featuring the events of the Turning War! Some two hundred years before Cabe Bedlam became thrust into the machinations of the Dragon Kings, his grandfather Nathan led a band of wizards against the drake lords in the hopes of freeing the realms of their tyrannical rule. Yet, the truth behind that story is not a simple one. Here now, is the dawn of the Turning War, a pivotal moment in the Dragonrealm, and the startling creation of the first band to stand against the Dragon Kings - the Dragon Masters. Here is their tale. Read Pt. III of Dragon Masters right now! The Turning War is a three volume saga answering many of the questions concerning the Dragonrealm and the Dragon Masters and how those events yet reverberate in current timeline. For more information on this saga, go to http://www. or email
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