Nazi-controlled Edinburgh, Summer 1941...
James Baird and his girlfriend Alice are newspaper editors by day and SOE agents by night.
James has an idea; an underground newspaper (The Tree of Liberty) published all over Britain, bolstering morale and supporting British resistance against the Nazi regime. He pushes the idea ‘upstairs', and begins to organize its launch, only to find himself drawn into a larger political theatre. As the reins of his pet project slip from his hands, James and Alice's lives change forever in one lightening trip to London.
On their return, events in Edinburgh drive the SOE cells to desperate lengths… lives are on the line, their very existence threatened. The sound of bullets and grenades rip through the dark night.
Another great adventure set in the swastika-strewn streets of Edinburgh.
Get your teeth into a brand-new version of World War 2.
"This is wonderful stuff... Old-fashioned adventure written in a delightful style..." Sean Cafferty
"Scotland's own 'Man in the High Castle'... great escape from the hum-drum..." Geo. Bingham
AVENGING STEEL is available as a bumper eBook , paperback, or in individual volumes...
Avenging Steel 1: The Fall of Edinburgh
Avenging Steel 2: The Nuclear Option
Avenging Steel 3: The Final Solution
(Avenging Steel: The First Collection... this book has all first three novellas)
Avenging Steel 4: The Tree of Liberty
Avenging Steel 5: The Man From Camp X
Also watch out for Avenging Steel 6: The Long Way Home
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