After a very shaky beginning as a wild-born telekinetic, Adrian is elated to discover that his new home is at the center of the world's largest psionic city. It should have been a dream come true, but something here is just not right. It's not just that his sister is still missing, or that he is being forced into a rigorous combat training program that is slowly turning him into a killer. Something rotten is hiding... inside him. Adrian must discover the truth behind his recurring, shadowy nightmares, and face the possibility that the greatest evil threatening everything he holds dear might, in fact, be himself.
(The Tower is the second book of Adrian Howell's PSIONIC Pentalogy)
Read all five books of Adrian Howell's PSIONIC Pentalogy in order:
Book One: Wild-born
Book Two: The Tower
Book Three: Lesser Gods
Book Four: The Quest
Book Five: Guardian Angel