In 1874, three men--loyal, brave, and true--rode into the lawless Canadian wilderness. Each would fight for justice...and for the right to claim the heart of the woman he loved.
She Was The Only Woman For Him
Steven Gravel takes his position with the Northwest Mounted Police very seriously. But a routine patrol of the territory beyond newly built Fort McLead reveals a surprising oversight--a sprawling cattle ranch! Owner Cletis Dawson, widowed father of three daughters, is eager to supply beef to the fort. But Steven soon wonders if business is the only thing on Dawson's mind, because at every chance, marriageable middle daughter Emily is thrust into his path. Yet it's not gentle Emily--or flirtatious, exasperating little Elizabeth--who draws Steven's eye, but the oldest girl, Willow. Stubborn, standoffish, and firmly focused on their business arrangement, Willow is hardly willing to be courted--unless Steven can unlock the secrets in her proud, wild heart.
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