The Terpsichore Project
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The Terpsichore Project is a 200 page work of fiction. It takes place in 2006 and is centered in post-Katrina New Orleans. The lead character, Todd Jamison, lives in Memphis. He is a middle aged computer geek. In one month's time, he loses his wife, his job and turns 50. After months of fruitless job interviews he is running out of options. He turns to the internet and learns of an incentive program in New Orleans called The Terpsichore Project. This program is designed to attract people to the stigmatized, depopulated city. Funded by FEMA it offers employment and financial assistance in relocating. Todd decides to pull up stakes and start a new life in the Big Easy. The story takes the reader through the first week of Todd's new life. It's awkward and even painful to be undertaking such a major life change at his age but he meets sympathetic characters who help him along the way. After seeing the Ninth Ward, he's conflicted about his good fortune at the expense of others but by week's end he realizes that everything happens for a reason. He's committed to his new life. Where The Terpsichore Project differs from other post-Katrina offerings is it dares to deviate from the prevailing narrative which depicts New Orleanians as helpless angry victims. Here they are undefeated and determined to rebuild their city. The story makes no pretense at documenting the local culture. Rather it seeks to create a fanciful yet believable impression of New Orleans and its people. The city itself is a leading character. The story's strong points, I feel, are a well defined story world and unique characters who speak real world dialogue.
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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2016
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1533319677
    • ISBN13: 9781533319678

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