The Tarot Reader
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Untold centuries ago, the Archipelago was ruled by the Alder -- mysterious beings who vanished, leaving behind only scattered artefacts of unknown power, called Vestige. Sometimes, a person will be lucky or unlucky enough to discover that each piece of Vestige has its own tale to tell…

The Tarot Reader

“Cyan didn't want to read fortunes.”

Cyan Zhu is the best tarot reader Riley & Batheo's Circus of Curiosities has ever seen. Too good, some say. She reads the cards, but she can also tell more about her customers than they could ever suspect. Two people walk into Cyan's cart to have their fortunes told and change her life forever: Oliver, a sailor with a pretty grin, and a mysterious man with a blurred face, who sends her terrible visions that might come true.

Vestigial Tales are stories set in the world of the award-winning Micah Grey series. Step behind the circus ring from Pantomime, the theatre of Shadowplay, and more…

“Pantomime by Laura Lam took me into a detailed and exotic world, peopled by characters that I'd love to be friends with . . . and some I'd never want to cross paths with.”
" Robin Hobb, internationally bestselling author of the Farseer trilogy
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    • Aug-2014
    • Penglass Publishing
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Nov-2014
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 0992942837
    • ISBN13: 9780992942830

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