Mike Hamel's Matterhorn, the Brave
Adventure, Danger, and Inspiration
Matthew Horn (a.k.a. Matterhorn) is a brave knight-when he isn't busy being a typical twelve-year-old boy. Few people have heard of him, which isn't surprising, for most of his adventures happen in other times and places. And like all who know how to travel, he can do so without drawing attention to himself.
Matt's adventures begin one afternoon while browsing through some musty books in an obscure, neglected corner of his middle school library. One book literally demands his attention. Surprisingly, the book contains a nondescript title page followed by one blank page after another. While quizzically leafing through the blank pages, Matt discovers a portal into time travel and is suddenly introduced to a series of wild adventures filled with danger, mystery, and intrigue. As a result, Matterhorn and his friends (Aaron the Baron and others) travel around the globe and off it. Their adventures take them under the Earth and over the moon. Not bad for kids who don't even have driver's licenses.
The Sword and the Flute is volume 1 in the new Matterhorn the Brave series.