MacLEOD has invented a world where the inhabitants of Carnalia, ruled by the ruthless Emperor, Lurcan, wage warfare against the kingdom of Ecclessa and its regent King Elyon and his son Logon. Ecclessites venture into Carnalia with the hope of rescuing lives for the king by using their glowing swords to pierce the hearts of Carnalians. These wounds aren't physical, but spiritual, revealing to Carnalians that they're fighting for the wrong side, that King Elyon and Logon love them and that Lurcan is the real enemy.
Artka, the protagonist, begins fighting against the king, but through a series of dangerous escapades sees his need of Logon's forgiveness and becomes an Ecclessite. But that's not the end of Artka's troubles, for invisible swamp creatures, shadowy spirits and false Ecclessites do all they can to waylay Artka and his friends from obeying Logon's directives.
MacLEOD was inspired by the writings of John Bunyan (Pilgrim's Progress, The Holy War) and C.S. Lewis (Narnia Chronicles, The Screwtape Letters) as they weave spiritual truth into stimulating stories. Instead of using magic, so prevalent in the fantasy genre, MacLEOD incorporates true spiritual realities from the Bible, making it a truthful supernatural thriller.
The Singing Sword is more than an exciting fantasy novel, it's a gateway to spiritual adventure. It is highly recommended for readers twelve-years-old and up.