The Secrets of a Scoundrel
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    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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Lady Isabel Palmer was crushed when her best friend and fellow adventurer, Marcus, left without even a good-bye. As years pass, tales of his rakish lifestyle reach her, and she buries any feelings she ever had for him. But when Marcus shows up years later in the middle of her father's hunting party, old feelings and bitterness surface, placing the once close friends constantly at odds.Marcus Tierney left Essex years ago, hoping to return eventually for Isabel. However, a tarnished reputation put an end to any dreams he might have harbored for a love marriage, keeping him from Isabel and his family estate for far too long. When a visit to the Palmer's estate becomes necessary, Marcus hopes to find forgiveness but is instead met with disdain by those he once called friends.As Marcus and Isabel increasingly find themselves together, they begin to realize their previous judgments do not hold true. Is it possible to leave the past behind and forgive each other? Or do their resentments run too deep, destroying all hope for a future of love and happiness?
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2021
    • FiveJoys Press
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 195305403X
    • ISBN13: 9781953054036

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