The Secret of the Mountain
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    Romantic Suspense
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It was a sad day for Anouri Jordan when the lovely young woman learned that she had developed tuberculosis and that she was in need of complete rest and relaxation. In her last quarter of college, just months away from earning her long-work-for B.A., Ann could hardly believe that her doctor wanted her to give everything up. Besides, she had nowhere to go--her parents were dead, she never knew any other relations, and she had little money. And then she remembered her father's mother, Hannah Jordan. The old woman had requested that Ann come and visit her in Nevada. It would be just the place to recuperate.

But shortly after Ann arrived in Gravy Gulch and met Hannah, another young woman--one who remembered all the details about her father's past that Ann never knew--arrived, claiming to be Anouri. Why? Although at one time Ralph and Hannah Jordan had been wealthy, Hannah now lived in a dilapidated shack. What could the other woman be after? Some treasure in the mine that Hannah kept for her son, James, for all the years they had been estranged? And who else was in on the plot to defraud the old woman? What was hidden in the depths of the mountain that could cause trusted friends to turn into criminals?

The good rest Ann's doctor prescribed turned into an exciting adventure as the young woman struggled to protect herself and her grandmother from danger.
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