In this short retelling of the classic fairy tale, The Red Shoes, we are brought into a world of drudgery and terrible magic, a world where a girl must make a choice and follow her heart or her dreams.
Katya was an unremarkable girl with dull hair and bad teeth and a personality that made her easy to forget. She survived a World War in one of the poorest nations in Eastern Europe, and she didn't think her life could get any worse than it already was.
But she didn't know what would happen when wishes come true.
And her wish was to be desirable to men.
But that's the nature of the universe; it always takes things so literally.
And in case you didn't realize whose novella you were reading…it's going to end strangely for Katya.
Very strangely.
Included in this copy is a preview of Jaden's next release, Survival. The Red Shoes ends at about 80%.
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