The Quest for Freedom
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Six American soldiers still held as prisoners of war, four decades after the fall of Saigon... When the last US troops withdrew from Vietnam in August of 1973, a handful of men were left behind. Penned like animals in the bamboo cages of their captors, they have long since lost track of the hours, the weeks, and even the years. For these men, the war is not over. They continue to fight it every day, as they are beaten and tormented in retaliation for battles that have all but faded from memory. But in the squalid darkness of their cells, they forge a brotherhood of shared suffering, reinforced by the struggle to maintain their faith in a God who seems to have forsaken them. In this place of unending misery, a tiny flame still flickers in their hearts. Freedom...
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2014
    • Navigator Pub.
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 194039791X
    • ISBN13: 9781940397917

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