Tempted by a tycoon...
Mari Lewis was thrilled when a wealthy businessman offered her a job as live-in nanny to his son. But on arrival at his luxury home Mari realized her employer had two sons--and her charge, Nikos Costanides, wasn't the little boy who had greeted her. It was his half brother, a thirty-two-year-old playboy!
And it was no mistake. Nikos's father had hired nanny extraordinaire Mari to reform his rebellious son. Mari wasn't sure she could persuade this sinfully gorgeous man to take orders from her. Especially as he didn't want to be reformed--he was more interested in seducing Mari into his wicked ways!
When Mari Lewis, nanny extraordinaire, is asked by a sixtyish Greek business tycoon, Stavros Costanides, to "shape up" his difficult son, she agrees promptly. She is wonderful with children -- especially naughty ones. And how difficult can a four-year-old be?
Trouble is, Stavros has two sons -- and it isn't four year old Alexander he has in mind! It's thirty-two year old playboy, Nikos, the son from his first marriage, who is keeping him awake at night. Stavros wants Mari to make Nikos toe the line.
Nikos has other ideas -- and playing games with the new nanny sounds like fun to him!
Hero: Stavros Constanides
Heroine: Mari Lewis
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