"A quickfire barrage of puns, gags, and one-liners. An apic hit." -- Eoin Colfer, author ARTEMIS FOWL
"Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of . . ." a talking pig? Behold Gryllus, ancient Greek hero of our epic tale, a smarty-pants former crewman of the storied Odysseus, transformed by Circe into a swine -- and perfecty content to stay that way, thank you very much. Life as a pig is just fine until the pushy prophetess, Sibyl, kidnaps Gryllus and informs him the world's in grave danger and the only one who can save it is . . . a talking pig. Well, fan-boomin'-tastic! Seems the gods have gone into hiding, terrifying monsters are on the loose, and all of creation is seriously out of whack. Even more preposterous, an imbecilic goatherd (with a zigzag scar on his head) has some part in the prophecy and must tag along with the motley crew on a perilous trek to Delphi, where even Sibyl has no clue what they're supposed to do -- even IF they manage to get there alive.
Welcome to a comical quest full of nonstop action and oddly familiar characters, from an oversensitive, lyre-strumming poet to the sinister, snappily dressed Epicurus; from chimeras and Stymphalian birds to the testy gods and goddesses themselves. With its abundant appropriation of Greek history and myth and its galloping humor perfectly pitched to middle-grade kids, THE PIG SCROLLS is sure to tickle young readers and take a place of honor on teachers' and librarians' shelves.
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