A young woman takes strength in friendship and motherhood, until tragedy threatens to strike for the second time...
Pam Evans, much-loved author of In the Dark Streets Shining and The Apple of Her Eye, brings us another heart-stopping saga of tragedy, friendship and a mother's love. Perfect for fans of Dilly Court and Sheila Newberry.
For typist Sadie Bell, the 1960s promise a decade of mini-skirts, pop music and endless possibilities. Young and carefree, she lives happily with her parents and older brothers in Hammersmith.
When Sadie meets Paul Winston at a Cliff Richard concert, it marks the beginning of a new chapter in her life. Falling head over heels in love, the couple can't wait to be married and move into Paul's parents' home in a beautiful Surrey village until they can afford a place of their own. Despite the disapproval of her mother-in-law, Sadie is deeply happy with her new husband. But Paul and Sadie's joy is tragically short-lived and Sadie returns to London alone and pregnant.
Although heartbroken, Sadie finds support in her family and close friend Brenda, and a new sense of purpose with the birth of her baby girl, Rosie. But life has more surprises in store for Sadie, and a terrible secret threatens to take everything away from her once more...
What readers are saying about The Other Side of Happiness:
'This is Pam Evans at her best. I was totally hooked and as the story neared the end a large box of tissues was a must!'
'Loved this book. It's set in the 60s and about family life and the way life can hit hard. A real page turner'
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