The One
"THE ONE" is the second installment in the Psych 'n' Roll Mystery series. Set in 2013 in New York City, it tells the story of revenge for endless war, and raises the question: How well do we really know those closest to us? Sarah Lynch, the great actress, is taking her bows after a performance of "My Fair Lady." A handsome man is in the audience. So turned on is Sarah by his manly countenance that she invites him to a secret rendezvous that becomes her final curtain call. Sarah becomes the fifth horrific death at the hands of, what the media terms, “the 1 percent murderer.” FBI Agent Aja Connolly is on the case in New York. After her arrival, the murderer begins a series of calls into Dr. Ike Miller's Psych 'n' Roll radio show to air his antiwar grievances. Aja is now compelled to resume contact with her ex-lover, Ike. Their reconnection creates heart-wrenching dilemmas for Ike and Aja. Meanwhile, Aja attempts to track down the vicious killer of the rich and politically well-connected as she uncovers a cryptic medallion that puts her on his trail, placing her life and Ike's in mortal danger.
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2017
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1547072768
    • ISBN13: 9781547072767

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