The Nerdy Necromancer
Helen Reaper has a weird relationship with the dead. As in she can bring anyone or anything back to life, so she's constantly bombarded by people begging her to restore their loved ones, their pet fish, that cute girl who fell off a building while taking a selfie. Super. Annoying. So Helen becomes a necessary introvert and a homebody, choosing to absorb herself in books instead of real life.

The Deadication Dating Agency, the mysterious matchmaking service in her town of Midnight Cove, comes to her in the form of a mysterious letter and a cute little puppy.

They know someone who's already dead who won't mind her talent one little bit.

Can a woman who raises the dead find a love that stays alive?
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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2018
    • S.E. Babin
    • eBook
    • Mar-2018
    • S.E. Babin
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1386982857
    • ISBN13: 9781386982852

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