LOVE, DECEIT AND DEATH AT THE SCHEMING TUDOR -COURT "THE MOST HAPPY "OFFERS A FRESH TAKE ON A FAMILIAR TALE AND GIVES THE REAL STORY OF ANNE BOLEYN, HENRY THE EIGHTS SECOND QUEEN Anne Boleyn has just recovered from the heartbreak involving her broken bethrothal to her beloved Henry Percy when King Henry VIII begins to persue her.Anne, whos sister Mary is allready a sharer of the Kings favours, is exceedingly reluctant to encourage Henry, but soon discovers that his adour increases with her unwillingness.She attempts to escape, but cannot, and thus Anne begins to find herself obliged to accept the Kings courtship.Together with her brother George, and her friend lady Wingfield, Anne has formed a secret religious society, and surely with the King as her lover and eventual husband, she and her fellow-belivers must be allowed to practise their faith in peace?After a long, and seemingly endless, battle Anne is finally made queen.But her estimation of her new situation as "The most happy"turns out to be a sad irony as she now moves even closer to the danger.A court faction formed by those hostile to the new queen Anne proves to be a serious threat to her person, though the most serious threat of all comes from her husband King Henry VIII whos early passion has slowly turned to hate.And while the king and Cromwell plans for the queens death, Anne herself struggles to keep her loveaffair with Sir Henry Norris, one of the men whos later executed in the wake of her fall, secret.
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