The Millionaire Cat
  • Published:
    Sep-1992 (Hardcover)
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    General Fiction
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Have you ever met a cat who can talk, who can multiply 2,500.5 by 847, and who has a million pounds' Hennessy's business flair makes him extremely rich indeed, and he's not modest, either. Bequeathed a fortune by his owner, Aunt Charlotte, he invents the Parachute Collar for Cats, and is able to continue his life of luxury. However, there is more to this story than a Rolls Royce and prawns. Danger lurks in the form of Jake, Aunt Charlotte's jealous nephew, and Hennessy finds himself a captive, with the local drop-out moggies as his only hope of rescue. When Jake abandons him miles from home, Hennessy's subsequent adventures are packed with fun and daring. Pamela Dalton paces her plot to sustain excitement and sympathy as Hennessy befriends the circus tabby Fanny, rides on a tiger, and finally reaches home after a perilous journey in the engine of a car. Related with verve and humour, this tale with its intriguing range of characters will be enjoyed by children everywhere. Hennessy may be a conceited millionaire, but he does not forget his drop-out friends, and he finds that he has been even cleverer than he thought in outwitting the disgruntled Jake.
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    • Sep-1992
    • Lutterworth Press
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 0718828534
    • ISBN13: 9780718828530

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