The Mighty Avengers
When the world is overwhelmed with Super Villains, time traveling conquerors, alien invaders, mythical beasts and robots bent on the total destruction of humanity . . . the Earth calls upon its Mightiest Heroes: THE MIGHTY AVENGERS! Be here to witness the origin of the team as Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Ant-Man, and the Wasp assemble into the ultimate force for good!
People / Creatures
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    • Apr-2012
    • Hyperion
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 142314841X
    • ISBN13: 9781423148418
    • Apr-2012
    • Disney Press
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1423175549
    • ISBN13: 9781423175544
    • Apr-2012
    • Marvel Press
    • eBook (Kindle)

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