In the fourth installment in the Melungeon Witch short-story series, a mysterious stranger is found with a bag of gold - and shot with a poisoned arrow. When a man and woman arrive in town with claims the gold was stolen, Sheriff Daniel Praeger must uncover the truth while Melungeon healer Cephea Collins tends to the wounded and unconscious victim. Will the growing feelings between Daniel and Cephea help solve the puzzle or drive them further apart?
"Now this story was close to brilliance....The main character was truly three-dimensional, a noteworthy feat especially in a short story. The plot was fast, dark and thrilling." -
"Kept me guessing until the very end. I'd recommend this book to experienced mystery readers who enjoy wrestling with skillfully placed hints that don't easily reveal their secrets." - Long and Short Reviews
"We've had the pleasure of reading these tales and can enthusiastically recommend them." - Omnimystery News
"...One of the best shorts I've read this year. Scary and triumphant in the bleakest kind of way with two of the best characters I've read. - AJ Hayes, author of the Mad Dog and Englishman series
"Awesome story. Beautifully have really written something special." - Terrie Farley Moran, author of the Read 'Em and Eat Café and Bookstore series