The Marquis of Death is an historical fiction about a young man who was born into a noble family but due to circumstances is sent to an orphanage and then sold as an apprentice to a blacksmith in the old town of London. He works his trade for six months before he kills the son of the blacksmith as the son treated him badly; often whipping him and kicking him while he was asleep near the forge. When returning to the forge after dumping the son's body in the River Thames, he sees the fires lighting up the skies around London; the Great Fire of London and realizes the flames are close to the forge. On arrival at the forge, he rescues his belongings and then creeps up the stairs to the Masters lodgings where he kills his Master and his wife and steals their purse of gold and silver coins. With his ill-gotten gains he heads south to the port of Portsmouth where he buys a shop that outfits the common sailor and then buys a forge that has a contract for chain for His Majesties ships. Emmett is the only son of the third in line to the title of the Marquis of Dewsbury and he swears he will inherit the title one day. This story is of how he inherits the title and how he becomes a favorite of King Charles II of England. He becomes a killer for the King and also kills his uncle; the current Marquis. He develops his skills at death and starts to take on young street urchins to steal throughout the port and also in London where he builds another shop with a forge beneath. His life is now murder, assassinations and thieving; but it eventually catches up with him and he is sentenced to death by hanging: a sentence carried out by a black hangman.
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